To be or not to be


So, the question is,

“To be or not to be”

What is to be?

And what is not to be?

How can we be?

How do we know that we are being?

Is it based on experience?




Is it a combination of all these things. To determine what is to be do we need to define what is real and what is an illusion. How can we distinguish that is of consequence and that which is meaningless. Is it based on personal definition, experience, mind awareness, society, friends, peers, values, morals, the Bible, Koran or any other holy book that is your flavour.

How do we know that we are being? Since experience is transitory and for such a fleeting moment do we have to go from one moment of experience to another to feel that we are alive?? Surely not.

The experience of being is that of being a human. Human being.

What is a human? Thoughts, emotions,  desires, needs, our greatest gift is that to feel Love.

That is where I want to go, to be able to connect and feel that Love. I have been  Loved and still am and I have fallen hopelessly in Love during my lifetime.

Now, what my next challenge is to expand my Love and share it with others so that they can  begin to reconnect with themselves. Thus, like the good ole ripple effect there will begin to be more Love in the world and people will be happy to demonstrate their Love for humans being.

How come we are so afraid of Love? We are afraid to  tell  someone that we Love them. What do we fear? Showing our vulnerable side? Insecurity- if we tell  them and they may not reciprocate their love. Is my Love conditional upon someone else’s Love????

Common sense would say, course not guvnor. But we do live like that.

We get upset if someone neglects to tell us that they Love us, perhaps on a daily basis. I know couples like this…

How come it’s just not ok to say I LOVE YOU and not expect anything back in return.

Resolution: To act in a more Loving way to myself and others around me unconditionally.

Be gentle and Loving to myself with thought and action.

Be gentle and Loving to others around me with thought and action.

Now there’s a resolution

Roger over ‘n out – with a good dollop of Love.


About vivalove40

Who am I, is a good question. I am fun, funny, independent, intelligent-although prone to the odd blonde moment, business woman, good listener, good talker, enjoys food, wine, good conversation, walking, running, getting fit, not getting fat, reading, cooking, films, getting in touch with yourself, self discovery, self awareness, recognising beauty in everything around us, nature, sun, laughing, walking in wet grass, taking photographs, my niece and nephew, travelling, opening up the mind to new experiences, friends, family and so so much more.

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